Non-Medication-Based Treatment and Therapies
For any treatment or therapy, you should first consult with your health care provider to determine which treatments or therapies may be best suited for you or your child. Some MAC lung disease treatments and therapies that you should consider discussing with your health care provider are discussed below.
Airway Clearance1
Airway clearance may be an important way to manage NTM lung disease. Airway clearance therapy (ACT) uses non-invasive techniques to help loosen mucus or sputum so it can be cleared from your airways by coughing or huffing. There are many different airway clearance techniques. It’s important to speak with your health care provider to find the type and frequency of treatment that’s best for you or your child. Two airway clearance types are mentioned below.
- Oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) therapy
An OPEP device is a handheld device that combines positive expiratory pressure (PEP) with oscillations (or vibrations) to help clear secretions from your airways. As you exhale through the mouthpiece, positive pressure holds the airways open and allows air to get behind the mucus. Oscillations help to thin, loosen and move the mucus to the larger airways of your lungs where it can be coughed out.

- Chest physical therapy (chest PT) with postural drainage12
Chest physical therapy or physiotherapy (CPT), also known as postural drainage and percussion (PD&P) is performed by your health care provider or care giver. You’re placed in several different postures or positions to help drain mucus from different parts of your lungs using gravity. Percussion or clapping on your chest wall is done by your care provider to help move the mucus into your larger airways so it can be coughed out.
Sinus Wash12
A nasal wash helps to get rid of excess mucus and prevent this mucus from draining into your lungs. Check with your health care provider to determine if sinus washing is recommended for you.
Fluid is important for thinning mucus secretions, which in turn helps you clear mucus from your airways.
Physical Activity1
Regular physical activity and pulmonary rehabilitation exercise can help manage your symptoms. Speak with your health care provider about the extent and type of exercise suitable for you before starting.
Nutrition and Supplements6
Proper nutrition is very important to improving your health and fighting fatigue.1 Maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet is an essential part of your treatment plan.
Gastrointestinal (GI) distress is a common side effect of taking antibiotics. A probiotic supplement can help restore good bacteria in your GI tract.2
Speak with your health care provider or pharmacist before starting a supplement regimen as supplements can interfere with some medications.6
Emotional and Spiritual Wellness13
NTM lung disease can have a significant impact on your life and on your family’s life as well. It’s important for you to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Remember to ask for help from family and friends.