To compare the modelled lung delivery of rescue medication via different Valved Holding Chambers (VHC) with the goal of providing optimum patient care and minimizing potential carbon footprint.
3 different spacers types were evaluated

Breathing Simulator evaluation; Tidal volume=155-mL, I:E ratio=1:2, rate=25 cycles/min.
The facemask of each VHC (n=3) was attached to an anatomical model and the airway coupled to a breathing simulator via a filter to capture drug particles that penetrated as far as the carina.
5-actuations of salbutamol (Ventolin†) were delivered at 30-s intervals and recovered from specific locations in the aerosol pathway by HPLC.
Comparisons were then made on drug delivery data looking at potential dose to the lungs for each pMDI/spacer.
This potential delivery was then equated to a potential relative carbon footprint based upon published claims1 that Ventolin† has a carbon footprint of 28 kg CO2 per inhaler.
See the results below:

Depending on the pMDI/spacer system chosen the delivery of medication can vary significantly and as a result will have implications on the potential carbon footprint.
In this case, the use of the AeroChamber Plus* Flow-Vu* VHC could potentially reduce the carbon footprint by three fold compared to the alternative spacers.
By maximizing the amount of each puff reaching the lungs the patient is likely to be able to get relief sooner and reduce the amount of puffs needed.

European Respiratory Society International Congress
September 4-6, 2022
1 https://greeninhaler.org
MD-198A-0722 * trademarks and registered trademarks of Trudell Medical International. † trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © Trudell Medical International 2022.